The whole world is starving for affection.
Senast idag sa jag att jag hatar när människor pratar om samma sak hela tiden. En serie, en person eller (vadsomhelst). Det blir ju trist efter den 35648:e diskussionen. Men jag måste ändå för en sista gång prata om Jonathan Richman och sedan ska jag inte nämna det en gång till (på ett tag). Han spelade i ett punkband men bestämde sig för att göra snäll musik istället. Och då sjunger han till exempel om allt som man känner eller vill skratta åt och det passar så väldigt bra just nu.
"I'm so confused, I think maybe I should just stay alone. But I'm too young to just stay home."
"Love me the way I could love, when I was six years old I didn't dream I would grow up to feel all isolated."
"Oh pain, pain, pain. Aint that just love's name?"
"Hello. This is Cupid speaking. And I can make you fall in love, but I can't stop you from running away."
"I get intrigued, when women look sinister... It's not the mascara, it's not the tight dress. It's the look in the eyes gonna scare you to death."
"The first bar, things were all right. But in this bar things were friday night."
"Because her beauty is raw and wild, she is at the core of the stars we see."
Men man måste såklart lyssna för att förstå. Vilket man kan göra här.
"I'm so confused, I think maybe I should just stay alone. But I'm too young to just stay home."
"Love me the way I could love, when I was six years old I didn't dream I would grow up to feel all isolated."
"Oh pain, pain, pain. Aint that just love's name?"
"Hello. This is Cupid speaking. And I can make you fall in love, but I can't stop you from running away."
"I get intrigued, when women look sinister... It's not the mascara, it's not the tight dress. It's the look in the eyes gonna scare you to death."
"The first bar, things were all right. But in this bar things were friday night."
"Because her beauty is raw and wild, she is at the core of the stars we see."
Men man måste såklart lyssna för att förstå. Vilket man kan göra här.